EAT YOUR GREENS - Welches Obst/Gemüse stärkt dein Immunsystem für den Winter

EAT YOUR GREENS - Which fruit/vegetable strengthens your immune system for the winter

On October 25, the clocks will change again and official winter time will begin. The days are getting shorter again, the trees are losing their leaves and the temperatures are dropping. We automatically spend more time in cozy and warm rooms. Unfortunately, there is often far too little ventilation and the risk of infection increases, but don't worry, we'll tell you which fruit and vegetables make your immune system strong for the winter.

Especially in the cold season, a healthy and balanced diet is very important, because a good supply of nutrients enables our body to fight pathogens optimally. The German Society for Nutrition recommends at least 3 servings of vegetables and 2 servings of fruit a day to provide the body with sufficient vitamins and minerals.

With this vitamin you strengthen your immune system

One of the most important and well-known vitamins for strengthening the immune system is vitamin C. Citrus fruits are considered the main suppliers of the vitamin, but there are also numerous other foods that are good sources of vitamin C: red peppers, broccoli, kiwi or apples, for example. Spinach, kale or Brussels sprouts also contain the vitamin and are therefore ideal for strengthening your immune system.

Important note: Vitamin C is not a panacea. With sufficient intake, however, it can minimize the duration of colds and susceptibility.

Winter vegetables for a balanced and healthy diet

Particularly popular in autumn: the pumpkin. Not only as a decoration does it bring us joy and a good mood, but it is also suitable as a vitamin booster. The pulp is rich in magnesium, zinc, selenium and vitamin E. All important for a strong immune system.

Green cabbage is a real star in winter. Between October and February you can buy it fresh in almost every supermarket. A little tip: in order to preserve the valuable ingredients such as potassium, calcium, fiber and numerous vitamins, you should process the kale as gently as possible.

The right shopping bag for your green purchases

So off to the nearest supermarket and fill up your fridge with enough fruit and vegetables. Are you missing the perfect shopping bag for this? Not any longer longer! The shopping bag with the matching motto EAT YOUR GREENS is now available in our online shop. The bag is made from 80% recycled cotton, 20% recycled polyester and measures 49 x 37 cm - enough space for plenty of fruit and vegetables.
